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Eurobricks Citizen
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Everything posted by phool

  1. So I recently finished bricklinking all the parts for this (just missing the 2L CV Joint axle which has not been available locally) and took a few bad photos of it alongside the real deal. Figured I should post the pics here of the two alongside one another for general interest. Only minor parts swop I did was using replacing the old Hinge Plate parts (which were tricky to find) with plates with bar handles and clips which are much more common.
  2. Apologies for a bump but finally got a set to open and build. Licence plate 15114, Cape Town, South Africa :)
  3. I know it's not technic but can anyone please post comparisons of the Creator Mini Cooper and Mustang models?
  4. Probably not the best deal compared to others here but I was happy to pick up a Bucket Wheel Excavator with a store-damaged box locally for around 160 Euro. They normally retail here for 245 euro, so it was a pretty substantial discount in terms of local prices.
  5. While slightly off topic but linked to this comment, can anyone advise what alternative rubber bands I can use for 8002 Destroyer Droid? All the rubber bands in the second hand version I got have perished and I don't know what size replacements I need or whether I can get any from TLG direct?
  6. These are very nice. Would be great for displaying official sets at the smaller public displays we have here locally.
  7. Is there a website or app that easily allows you to keep a record of the parts you have for each lego set in your collection? I've obtained a large number of sets second hand and I would like an online source where I can keep a record of what parts I am missing for a particular set. I had a look at rebricakble but I couldn't see obviously see if it has this functionality.
  8. And here I was about to post a belated remark on the improvement in the photos. Thanks for all the effort that goes into this site Blakbrid, it's truly a wonderful resource for fans of Technic.
  9. Awesome MOC! Would love to see a little video of the functions in action. Once again, great work here on this beauty
  10. Nice to see a fellow South African frequent this forum! Good luck with your package and the postal strike I haven't been able to justify ordering parts from brick link yet, shipping just gets too expensive. I'll have to be content admiring these beautiful MOCs over the web (or until I have the heart to breakdown my sets for parts).
  11. Fair enough. Just thought I'd provide another option to making the instructions available.
  12. Mines, pretty simple - finish inventorying second-hand sets I acquired in 2013!
  13. Did you try use Mocplans to sell the instructions? Great looking MOC btw
  14. 02: 1 04: 3 08: 2 14: 3 23: 1 Tough choices, plenty of great models. I decided to go mostly with models that are not well represented in the normal Technic line. Congrats to all participants for making it so difficult to choose favourites!
  15. Yesterday my wife manged to pickup: 2 x 9398 2 x 42000 2 x 9394 1 x 42006 1 x 42011 And some other misc smaller sets still to be fully identified (slammers/racers and such). All for the equivalent for 290 euro, pretty good deal if I do say so myself
  16. Thanks. It's actually supposed to be my birthday present, and the fair was before my birthday. I decided to at least show off the box at the fair since it was not made available locally.
  17. This past weekend we had a local LegoFair and I displayed some of my Technic collection. I didn't get time to build everything I wanted it and I only displayed some of the larger models, so this isn't my complete collection
  18. Having won ebay auctions on the 8461 Williams Racer and Silver Champion, I have my eye on finding the 8466 4x4 Off Roader for a reasonable price. I suppose patience is the name of the game.
  19. Thanks for the clarification. I understand why such a policy would be in place. If required please delete/edit out my post above to avoid any further unnecessary discussion on the topic.
  20. Edit: My query was not necessarily within the guidelines of the forums so I have edited it out.
  21. If anyone kind-hearted enough can assist me in securing one, I would eternally grateful. Lego South Africa have indicated that this set will not be released here, so it appears I am at the mercy of bricklink and ebay sellers
  22. If for whatever reason you have no other takers, I would be very interested in getting a copy since this set was not made available for the South African market
  23. Looks like this set won't be released in South Africa Also been trying to source it internationally but with no luck. I'm definitely not paying double the retail price on ebay and the like If any kind soul here can hook me up with a trusted source that has this for a reasonable price, let me know ASAP
  24. I would love to see this in yellow or orange Certainly a beautiful MOC and I love the fact that it isn't motorised
  25. Opening this topic on 2 April just leads to heartbreak and rage Now please excuse me, I think I'm going to be sick from the dissapointment
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