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Banned Outlaws
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  1. Please check the forum "Future Star Wars Sets"...I posted on what I think LEGO should do with some sets from the clone wars and a remake on a set that last came out around 2005 I think. Please excuse my spelling on the topic though, I'm not sure how to spell a lot of the star wars ships and minifigs lol umm, also, please feel free to comment on it...I would like to see what everyone thinks about the sets
  2. Okay, this is my thinking on what LEGO should do sometime for star wars: Jedi Temple- Clone wars style Jedi (all the main ones like Luminara, Shak Ti, and some other very well known jedi from the clone wars), the library (with librarian, and the jedi holocron room), some rooms for the senators, and a platform with senate guards + a commander Naboo Starship- Padme Amidalla, Jar Jar Binks, (both newly designed in clone wars form), and C3P0 Geanosis Droid Factory- Pago the Lesser, Tactical droid, a couple of newly designed droidicas, some clone wars designed geanosians, and a geanosian starfighter to fit in the factory...also should come with that new "toy" the sepratist got with the bombs shooting in the air (I'm sorry, but I forget what there called, you can find them in the new clone wars cartoon series on Cartoon Network ) and Jedi Luminara, (sorry don't have any idea how to spell her last name lol) Finding the Factory- Ki Adi Mundi, some clone wars designed geanosians, about 5 of Ki Adi Muni's troopers (the Geanocian design) + 2 of them should include flamethrowers. TIE Fighter- a new design with the newer pilot we saw in the TIE Defender set Kit Fisto's Jedi Starfighter with Hyper Ring Booster- Kit Fisto, and his R4 astromec droid, and I think it should come with a random jedi like Shak Ti, because with Obi Wan Kenobie's starfighter (the blue one of course) it came with a random jedi that had never before needed any other reason to be in a set Sepratist Starcruiser- whether it be the "Malevolence" or not, I really don't care just as long as they do something with it because they have one for the republic, why not one for these guys to?!?! If not the "Malevolence", then I think they should put 5 droid commandos (with sword), Tactical droid, and Jedi Eth Koth Okay, I think that's about all, lol . Please forgive my spelling, it's star wars, and some things I'm not completely sure how to spell If you're not sure what something is please feel free to contact me, thanks for reading, and may the force be with you, always... p.s.- If you couldn't tell, everything except for the TIE Fighter, is based on the new Clone Wars series on Cartoon Network...so the minifigs should come in a new Clone Wars form
  3. You know, I was just thinking, if LEGO ever decides to just have a battle droid instead of a tactical droid (I'm praying for the tactical droid, lol ) then they could just release the sets anytime now, right? I mean, isn't the whole battle or tactical droid the holdup? LEGO has every thing else, don't they?
  4. no worries I'm a good guy I know how to act on here now, and I'll try not to be as confusing also, has anyone heard about whats going on with the tactical droid? I am very confused on that...
  5. i hope you're right about it containing some sort of a base (i'm hopping the rummer about the shield generator is true ) thats about the only thing LEGO is missing from hoth lol oh and thanks for the intro, I'll try harder
  6. A: lets stay on lego star wars please B: i (I mean "I") didn't know spelling was such a big deal... plus, i was just spelling like you would text, but I guess this is more serious
  7. ok, this is my first time on here. the reason y i am is bcause u guys keep running around i circles! what doesn't make since 2 me is that how very few pieces r in the new AT-AT, especially bcause there is that rumor about the set (the one about it may contain the hoth generator and or the hoth snow speeder like the one in "hoth wampa cave" set) that would mean the AT-AT woul be even smaller! i say we, like a jedi, wait and be patient u never know what will or will not change.....i think we learned about that in the new wave coming out in july/august.
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