Darn! I forgot the traitor story. That was quite neat... very reminiscent of Ahkmou.
I still stalk these forums occasionally, but a recent combination of Bionicle's death (as sets and main story go, anyway) and me commencing undergraduate studies has severely restricted my free time. Now I'm on Facebook all the time instead. Wait, I didn't say that.
I'll prolly be hangin' out here some more if the serials continue to be this interesting.
Wait, wait. I'm not that familiar with the LDD concept.
Are we actually, at some point, gonna be able to buy and physically hold in our hands stuff like purple Kalmah armor and Mata green Tahu fireswords??
You can't tell me the Great Beings gave a damn about reinserting two so tiny pieces of rock into Spherus Magna. I mean, I know the scale is off ( I hope), but it's just too funny if this is what all of Bionicle has been leading up to.
I like how the airships are coming from the Endless Ocean rather than from below the island/Naho Bay. Someone really oughta give this artist a briefing of the actual story.
Still a great pic, though.
Did not see THAT coming. Nice!
But I still wanna beat Greg with a stick for revealing awesome stuff in a crappy manner on BZP. T___T What's wrong with him?
I like it, it's simple yet elegant. Perfectly conveys the tribal-techno feel of the story.
Plus, it's better than some of the crap we got in later years, like the Hordika and Piraka animations. :P Also looks comparable to Bionicle Heroes, but that may just be me.