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About YoGo

  • Birthday 10/18/1988

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  1. I'm at 99% of my construction. I'm mainly waiting from more Batman sticker from BATMAN 1 series. They are round shape but the yellow is very poor. Unlike the one brickmasta use. He has really good yellow but right-angled shape. So, he has a better result overall I think.
  2. Pieces ordered ! It was a long hard work to do it only on LLD. But I did it ! It's like I know the builiding instruction in the movie game by heart. My brain could not handle it anymore.
  3. Ok thanks, It provide better stability I guess. Using only one technic bearing plate make it shaky. The other interesting thing about this Build. Because it's not really made to be build, they use very weird style. There is almost no brick. Everything is dislocated in plate or something. For example on the wing, you mostly use ROOF TILE 2x3 and 4x3 instead on only 1x3 (maybe it was because of your lack of part). It make the render really weird IRL. In CGI there is no problem since every piece can be perfect. So you don't have really a gab beetween each part and sometine a slightly different reflecion or coloration. So, it may be not worth following exactly the build. I'm impatient to start building it to see the difference with yours. Btw, are you from France? I saw some So Ouest Lego Shop picture on your flickr.
  4. Hello ! I decided to do it on my own. I'm at the 2/3 of the build. I'm using LLD for now because I don't have that many part to work with "irl". I'm struggling at the cockpit part. I just notice the "center cockpit" ( I miss your post on this topic so I lost quite some time for nothing ). I was wondering why they was a technic brick 1x4. So I used it to lock the cockpit with a technic bearing plate and 2 1x2 plate with knob to center it. But since I'm not really building it for now. I wonder if that's worth it. Or just puting the cockpit without any locking is enough ( to remove it easier and place minifig etc). I wonder how do you feel about it ? Thanks,
  5. So great work ! This one is even more awesome than the "spaceship" ! If you soon realeased instruction/part list or just LLD I'm ready to buy them. Else I think I will be starting this one my own. After seeing this, I prefer investing my budget into this than on the 75016. Keep building !
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