Location: F03 Forring
Tags: MANTIS, spying, land vehicle
Double D's log 29: Well, the first few spying school lectures were as boring as Professor Bland's monotone speech. The only thing good that came out of it so far was the opportunity to test out some more new vehicles! I called first dibs
Unfortunately we aren't up to the big stuff yet, and I was assigned to go with a hover vehicle. I picked the fastest one. The tank was sort of like a tank, but it had less armor and a lot more speed. It's great for just running through some outdoor facility and blowing up a bunch of random equipment. Okay, it doesn't really explode stuff, because this weapon melts away (by this green fire stuff) what it hits because it fires a gooey substance with laser-cannon accuracy. Overall it takes longer to destroy something, but it does more damage because the goo seeps deep into the equipment.
I was lucky enough to be sent on a real mission on Forring. The Lazer-Goo Hover Tank did its job well! Why it's spelled with a 'Z' is because it's not a real laser, so they went with the z when making the name.
~DD out