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Found 8 results

  1. Octan Travel Agent/Cupcake Shop My economically depressed Lego city is continuing its long walk into dereliction and abandonment. But there are the occasional signs of life! In one corner of the city some fool one has decided to use the old Octan Travel Agency and turn the ground floor into a Cupcake shop. The facade has the real feel of an aircraft's fuselage and comes complete with two fluffy white clouds*. The Travel Agency hasn't been in use since the 1990s and you may notice the entrance door high up on the second floor. But the previous owners did leave the Airport Stairs behind. Again, though this is dilapidated and neglected. Here's the interior of the Cupcake shop. (Mostly liberated from a Friends Cafe set) One final shot of the Airport Stairs. Oh, and I posted an early version of the Travel Agents on my LUGS Facebook page to get suggestions and feedback. I received ideas ranging from adding a short stubby wing and adding a sun. But my favorite comment was from one member suggested that I create a sticker with "Every Wing is Awesome". Now that's the perfect slogan for Octan Travel! Comments, criticism, ridicule most welcome! *I was going to embed The Orb's "Fluffy White Cloud". I might still do.
  2. Old Chinese Pharmacy My Lego town has undergone a bit of a rebuild - most of the official Modulars have been recycled back into inventory and the Chinatown district is expanding. So, here's a 16-wide build of a Pharmacy. I wanted an ornate facade with plenty of details, but I also wanted some decay and cracked masonry. The roof tile color is taking some getting used to, but it's definitely growing on me. Here's a close up of the details of the entrance door. The Ground floor has an interior But it's best seen without the rear and sidewalls. There are cabinets with drawers, decanters filled with strange liquids, a massive potted plant in the corner, and crystals. One final shot of the front. It's a quick fun build and I'm happy with the results (even the roof color) Comments, criticism and ridicule most welcome!
  3. Art Shop I drive past this building on a daily basis and the color scheme they've used really stands out. The detailing on the facade is very common in the rural towns here in the mid-west and I just had to build it. It's currently an Art Shop with a sign in the window that says "Open Hours: When the lights are on", but inside it's dusty and looks deserted. I used an upside down SNOT techniques to build the detailing at the top just under the parapet and I also built the windows upside down to hide the white studs from being visible in the 1x2 trans pieces directly under the wheel arches. Additionally the main piece of the facade is inset 1/2 stud using jumper plates to enable the two sides to stand a bit proud from the rest. Here's a shot of the MOC and the original building (Standing on the bed of my truck with the MOC on a loud-speaker stand carefully slanted to ensure it was level and waiting for a gap in the traffic) Oh, and here's a Google maps link if you want to explore the other crumbling and neglected wonders of midwestern architecture... https://www.google.com/maps/place/104+E+Cherry+St/@37.838175,-94.35645,3a,90y,110h,90t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1spBeYYxjD5-E49pJuRT9IkA!2e0!4m2!3m1!1s0x87c6545f65dcf487:0x9e422f982e6f1d58!6m1!1e1 Thanks for reading and comments and criticisms welcome!
  4. B-OM-34B I had this facade sitting on on the table as a WIP for a couple of months. It was based on a bank in Brisbane, but I couldn't figure out how to make it fit a 32-wide baseplate. It didn't do the bank building justice as a 16-wide, so I decided it was going to be professional offices of some sort, and eventually came up with the idea to fit it out as a psychiatrist's office. I was stuck for ideas on how to do the back. I wanted to make a garden, but that would have looked out of place. I ended up filling the empty space with my first attempt at a "Mark of Falworth" tree (thank you for the tutorials!). I think I need a lot more practice. Ideas for what should go at the back of a non-residential building are welcome! A look at the reception on the ground floor: And the office on the first floor: More photos on flickr. Comments and suggestions welcome.
  5. Oriental Building My economically distressed Lego city has now developed a nascent oriental neighborhood that's getting full of some mashed-up eastern cultured cliched buildings. So, following on from my Chu Nails building http://www.eurobrick...showtopic=98216 and the Octan Travel Agent/Cupcake shop http://www.eurobrick...showtopic=98468 I'd like to now present my new Oriental Building. I was aiming for a building where you could purchase a Gremlin on Christmas Eve on the ground-floor, where Kurt Russell gets into a fight on the middle floor and where Uma Thurman can get taught by Pai Mei on the rooftop terrace. I wanted something that was a bit offset from the street so that it looked mysterious and didn't stand out from it's neighbors. I failed. And here's the rooftop terrace. Many of the parts were liberated from a Ninjago Temple of Light Set. And finally a closer shot of the facade. There's currently no interiors. Thanks for reading! Comments, criticism and ridicule most welcome!
  6. Hi everyone. Here is my latest modular building. It's a handbag store, called "Coveted Clutch", that is based on my normal avatar. The store is on the ground floor and there is an apartment upstairs where the store owner and designer of the handbags lives. The bit from my avatar is the left side of the storefront, changed a little to make it wider and taller. I think of it as Soho meets Friends. Enough babble, here are some photos. My favourite part - the first floor windows. Overview of the store on the ground floor: Dining, lounge and kitchen on the first floor: Bedroom and bathroom on the second floor: More photos on flickr. C&C welcome!
  7. I had to occupy my time while I was waiting for the Parisian Restaurant to arrive and so I opened up one of the cupboards and modified the Lego Creator 5770 Lighthouse. I wanted it to fit in with my sprawling, economically depressed city so I beefed up the size of building, changed the roof and slapped it on a rocky prominence (Skull Island was sacrificed http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3712/11637864364_c17b2b1617_c.jpg) I wasn't too worried about the look of the lower levels as they'd be covered by the adjacent buildings so I used whatever spare pieces I had to hand - in this case it was castle wall parts. And there's a higgledy-piggledy wooden ladder and platform creation that runs up the rear of the rock to provide access to the Lighthouse. And although it's falling into disrepair the Lighthouse keeper doesn't appear to mind as he keeps a weather-eye on the horizon and enjoys his rum-enhanced coffee: Thanks for reading! Comments and criticisms welcome...
  8. Chinatown Streetside Market I wanted to build a street market for my Chinatown district. It would be somewhere where you could buy Groceries, meat, fish, vegetables etc. and so to give it the space it required I inset it from the road. Here's what it looks like at night when business is closed - it's a fairly unassuming facade and a garage door. The only hint of what it might be comes from the two empty shelving structures. And during the daytime the place is transformed! The two shelves are now stocked, there's a hopper full of leafy greens, an ice box for fish and two interior refrigerators. Although there does seem to be something with a very large eyeball in the ice box. I wouldn't get too close. One final shot. Thanks for reading. Comments, criticism and ridicule most welcome!
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