I downloaded plans from www.brickcitydepot.com for their Commercial building/Bar combo (http://www.brickcitydepot.com/city-building-instructions.html) and I then decided to extend out the Commercial Building by doubling it in size and stuff it full of a micro-brewery. It's still a Work In Progress and I'd like to add an office and a washroom in the next iteration, but I thought I'd share it with the forum to see if other ideas were forthcoming.
Here's the front - I can't claim any credit for the facade. All I did was double the width to 32-bricks. Brick City Depot have done a fantastic job!
Here's the Ground floor.
The Ground floor contains the large mashing vats. There's a shelf full of sacks of hops ready to be added (via the red doors on top of the vats), there's a water supply, and there's a shelf full of other supplies (that was in the original BCD plans)
The Top floor contains the bottling plant
There's a tray of empty glasses on the conveyor belt, and as they pass through the filling station they're topped up with beer (though the beer looks a bit orangey - I didn't have any trans-brown!) and then they pass through to the bottling and packing part of the machine. Finally on the downslope belt there's two full box of beers produced and ready for dispatch.
Finally, a shot of the rear of the building.
I like the grungy, decayed feel to it and as I said the source building is from www.brickcitydepot.com and any credit for the outside must go to them. The plans they provided were excellent!
Thanks for reading and comments and criticisms welcome!
So, what should I add?