Hello everyone, my nickname is Zhokker, I am a fan of lego Bionicle and system since 2007, as soon as I got my first toy. Very interested on 3D modeling of different LEGO parts and LEGO Bionicle.
Known among a few people for creating a better version of MoUP and I also have a store on Shapeways.
Joined Russian community in 2015, and in foreign community since end of 2019. Took a chance and registered here to keep up with news and updates.
Ready to help with your questions about 3D modeling and so on, would love to meet different designers!
Here below some of my work from the past year 2020. https://imgur.com/gallery/f7ihzPd https://imgur.com/gallery/NbJ34Fm https://imgur.com/gallery/JYjUcN8 https://imgur.com/gallery/DnfHbg7
I also made some bionicle parts for bionicle stud.io parts pack and I have my own project which I working on right now, Knight's Kingdom parts pack for renders in Stud.io (LDD, but better)