Today I was lucky to receive the 5014 hockey slammer set free with a Bricklink order I got through the post today,so I thought I would make a review of it.
Some basic details:
Theme Sports
Year released 2003
Pieces 28
RRP £0.78
Packaging Polybag
The front of the bag is pretty boring as you would expect for a set this size.....
why is that player aiming for the other players face?
Back of the bag looks like this....
The back of the bag also shows you how to place the puck in-between the 'legs' of the players and what should happen if you press down the 'head',that is if you build it right.....
The parts.....
The parts sorted....
There is no really interesting parts here,but you could say that all the parts may help boost you collection of technic parts.
The instructions.
The back of the instructions.
I wounder if that red basketball player is really that bendy?
Half way through the build,for some reason I have chosen to build both players simultaneously....
And finished.....
Players from the back.
Spare parts,there should be another spare rubber band but I got a piece of hard plastic instead...
Parts 8/10
Build 6 /10
Playability 5/10
Overall 7/10
So to sum up it's a interesting set,it is not very expensive but does give you some good parts to add to your collection.
The build was as you can expect from a set this size not very interesting,just some parts stuck on top of each other.
personally I would not of bought it myself,I got it as a free give from a Bricklink order..... so I am not going to complain.