Only a minute ago reading a huge full page ad in the morning paper..........AFL Microfigures.....they look a bit Mega-blok-ish with faces on them so Clone Wars looking it's not funny.
It appears the AFL is joining a global trend......the NFL in the USA also has a similar series......but hey in both they include their respected footballs....very handy for our normal minifigs to play with right ?
In the AFL series it also includes two puzzle pieces which once all collected forms a footy ground (oval shape) complete with goal squares, centre circle and 50m lines.
I might just have to buy at least one to see how bad they score a ball......then I need to custom some minifigs......I can then have my own tigers team !
The only thing is they are only available at Coles supermarkets or Coles Express Shell service stations......though two bucks is a good buy.
Even though I have a review in the RA to go......I might have to review at least one microfigure........I hope I can find a Crows or Tigers player......oh, to tell them apart in the blind bags.....they all have different hair styles.