The Streets Of Skavenport
Skavenport Furrier
The great miracle of large cities is what holds together the jumble of dirt and noise and lunacy. Despite the heartfelt closeness between its inhabitants and their love for the city, the one thing that held together Skavenport was beer.
And the finest beer to be found was the Skaven Ale. But only a few larger breweries were allowed to call their mixture Skaven Ale, strictly regulated by purity laws and selection of only the finest ingredients. Brewing day always followed baking day, when yeast still filled the air in the houses. The workers were in good mood and many a song could be heared throughout the city:
The houses are filled by taste of bread
so every man can tell
its time to malt and cook and brew
to have our Skaven Ale
it keeps your heart warm and means you no harm
our finest Skaven Ale!
Once an old king layed down to die
his devious heir enjoyed
a jug full of ale and marrow came back
made him raise and speak to him
"there is still time to make a new son
more worth to be a king!"
And when my lady the day has come
for me to say farewell
slaughtered by axe, or stabbed by sword
enchanted by a spell
keep your last kiss cause all I miss
will be the Skaven Ale!
Such and many other ribald verses they sung, and they became very popular not only in Nocturnian taverns.