Tags: Land Vehicle, Exploration, Science
Jedadiah Douglass, signing in from Castral again:
Roll out the ramp! Come on, come on, doesn't it move a little faster!?
Afraid of a duck? Nonsense! I assure you that nothing could have been farther from my mind as I drove sedately to the Octan Quad Transporter I had brought with me. (looks around suspiciously) Whuff, made it!
And parked. Uh-oh, where did that feather go? Those people sure aren't going to be happy. Well, there's a reason I never liked science!
(Later) Well, at least I can do the other part of what I was told to do. Let's see here, I can't remember what it's called. Well, I'll just have to look through this here extensive library of mine (I pride myself on my reading abilities). Driving for Dufaces, Flying for Phonies, Shooting for Stupids (I really should read that one some time). Ah-ha! Here she be, Domination for- What!? It wasn't very nice to give me this book as a gift... and then make me pay for it. Oh well, se la vie.
A couple of pics of the Octan Quad Transporter:
Another build for Octan... I hope the story is enjoyable again! This is probably my favorite of my Andromeda Gates' builds so far - large space land vehicles are a lot of fun! Thanks for viewing, C&C welcome as always!
Edit: I believe I forgot to mention before that the quad has been reused from the last build