Art Shop
I drive past this building on a daily basis and the color scheme they've used really stands out. The detailing on the facade is very common in the rural towns here in the mid-west and I just had to build it.
It's currently an Art Shop with a sign in the window that says "Open Hours: When the lights are on", but inside it's dusty and looks deserted.
I used an upside down SNOT techniques to build the detailing at the top just under the parapet and I also built the windows upside down to hide the white studs from being visible in the 1x2 trans pieces directly under the wheel arches. Additionally the main piece of the facade is inset 1/2 stud using jumper plates to enable the two sides to stand a bit proud from the rest.
Here's a shot of the MOC and the original building
(Standing on the bed of my truck with the MOC on a loud-speaker stand carefully slanted to ensure it was level and waiting for a gap in the traffic)
Oh, and here's a Google maps link if you want to explore the other crumbling and neglected wonders of midwestern architecture...,-94.35645,3a,90y,110h,90t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1spBeYYxjD5-E49pJuRT9IkA!2e0!4m2!3m1!1s0x87c6545f65dcf487:0x9e422f982e6f1d58!6m1!1e1
Thanks for reading and comments and criticisms welcome!