Artakha Bull by The Mugbearer, on Flickr
As Biosector01 tells us, Artakha Bulls are powerful and intelligent Rahi shrouded in myth and legend.
The Artakha Bull species was created by the Makuta using Viruses and Liquid Protodermis to be one of the Rahi to inhabit the Matoran Universe.
A population of Bulls established themselves in Le-Metru on Metru Nui. They are one of the oldest kinds of Rahi known to the Matoran of Metru Nui; the Archives have recorded appearances of them on the island city prior to the Great Cataclysm.
During the events of the Great Rescue, Rahaga Bomonga reported having extreme trouble catching the Bulls because of their unusually high levels of cunning and intelligence.
After the Great Spirit Robot was critically damaged in the Battle of Bara Magna, many Artakha Bulls emigrated from the Matoran Universe to Spherus Magna.
Legend has it that the Bulls had intelligence far beyond anything the Matoran could hope to achieve, and so they were the only creatures allowed by Mata Nui to enter Artakha along with the Matoran. Another legend states that the Artakha Bulls were actually on Metru Nui long before Matoran populated it.
Artakha Bulls are very strong, very swift, and excellent trackers. They are extremely hostile and bad-natured. Some Artakha Bulls carry spear-like tools.
The MOC was inspired by drawing made by Demitsorou.