Location: E02 - Jurin II
Tags: civil, vehicle, water vehicle, exploration
--Weekly Explorer's Transmission--
--Log of Eagle-Eye Silver--
-- 28 Junali 3815--
After all the hard work last month, we explorers deserve a vacation! Thankfully, the new 1st Branch Executive is now John Hannibal and he sent us to Jurin II in the E02 sector. This planet is amazing! It’s got the best fishing I’ve seen since I arrived in this galaxy through the Gates and the Awesomnium is really easy to pick up. So easy that I filled the boat’s holds with samples so fast that MERC (Mediocre Exploration and Recovery Companion) and I decided to break out the rum, catch some fish and have an old fashioned beach cookout! We found a small island so MERC set up the comms dish and the grill while I took care of the fishing and rum. It’s so nice here that if the comms unit starts making noise, we might just ignore it….
Another angle on Flickr, C&C appreciated!