Hi all, I just received an email form Shop @ Home telling me my order is cancelled, due to exceeded demand. Perhaps this is not the right forum for this post, but I feel I have to share this as I'm extremely amazed and disappointed with LEGO. For the very first time.
Apparently the stock status at the Shop @ Home website is not a realtime status!
I ordered two NXT battery packs when the were on sale a couple of days ago. They were in stock according to the website.
Two days later they sent me a message informing me that delivery is delayed.Ok that can happen.
And just now I received a message saying “the demand exceeded the expectations….and the order is cancelled” And any payment will be refunded.
This mail exceeded my expectations and experiences with this very strong brand. Unfortunately not in a good way though. It seems ordering online is not a real time transaction :(
Anybody had any similar experiences? Is there anything I can do about this?