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Once a defender of good, Chro felt disillusioned with his cause, and defected to the shadows, realizing his errors too late. Chro has fallen a long way, and he knows it - the Toa sometimes feels uncomfortable with his choice, but hides this beneath a façade of arrogance. His old cunning nature still remains, if tempered by his experiences. A tactical combatant, Chro would rather fight than run, but knows the right time to do either. He attacks with swift and sure strikes, occasionally faltering only when trying to contain the power of his own dark side.
My first newly-built MOC for the BFGM, and a fresh version of my self-MOC/character, Chro.
I know that the backstory and appearance of the MOC are highly generic. That was intentional. I feel as though "the biggest, baddest villain" is a theme that lends itself more to somewhat generically-themed villains rather than exceptionally unique ones.
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