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After years of turmoil between his parents, young Ben Solo has reached a turning point in his life. The strain of training to be a Jedi under his Uncle Luke's wing has been unbearable. The legacy of having the blood of royalty, evil and greatness tears at him. After a rigorous day of training with his Uncle and the other students, Ben Solo leaves the temple grounds on a worker transport platform. Passing the lush jungle and natural landscapes of Yavin 4, Ben felt a cold chill up his spine. A mysterious haze of curiosity and calmness overcame him to find the source of his experience. Looking below the short cliff, he found a waterfall that seemed to be calling to him. Banking hard and fast toward the waterfall, Ben felt a heightened state of anxiety, anger, and fear. Drawing his custom lightsaber while approaching the waterfall Ben Solo stood in cautious while peering into an apparition of his own likeness. Masked by the mist of the waterfall, a robotic voice called to Ben from beyond its own darkness. I have not participated in any of these contests before so I hope I'm doing this right. This small MOC sits on a 32x32 baseplate.When I first read about this contest, this image popped in my head and I thought it would be interesting to visualize. Creating the rockfaces on boths sides is a technique I do not normally employ, but decided to challenge myself and try for this.This was built very much with a perspective and point of view in mind. One look from another angle the internal workings and behind the scenes become visible. Here is the picture unedited. The picture above had minimal editing of some sharpness, color and brightness correction based on the angle of the lighting and camera positioning. Here is a zoomed out shot of the entire MOC. I don't know if this is frowned upon or not, but here are the behind the scenes Pictures Top Down shot showing the wiring for the lighting running from the waterfall to the platform. [ Shot of the open back panel to control lighting and revealing our apparition from behind the waterfall. I achieved the silhouette of the Vader Force ghost by shining a bright white LED straight at the background white board which in turn caused a soft white reflection of light on Vader creating his shadow on the waterfall. That took countless attempts to get it to look halfway decent. I contemplated removing pieces of the waterfall to expose him but ultimately decided against it. So I hope you enjoyed. Like I said this is my first time doing this so input on what is expected and what is wrong is appreciated. I hurried to get this done as I will be traveling for a portion of the month starting next week. I look forward to participating in more of these. My Flickr