After many days and nights of trekking through Mitgardia's wilderness, Berelan Gryffen finally reached Avalonia. With a sigh, he stepped over the border into his homeland. His companion and close friend, Crynis Elchafron, followed, looking over her shoulder in case of a surprise attack by the Drow. Their task was simple: capture one of the Drow and learn of the enemy's plans. From the little he knew of the dark elves, they tended to favour vantage points from which to be alerted of an incoming attack. Looking ahead, he saw a hillock rising above the wooded glens, the crumbling ruins of a watchtower atop it. A perfect vantage point. Motioning to Crynis, he drew his sword and quietly began to scale the small hill. Sure enough, the dark shape of a Drow scout was visible behind the wall. The two adventurers took the soldier completely by surprise. As they rushed him he hastily grabbed his spear and leveled it at Berelan's head; just in time the warrior ducked. Knocking the spear out of the scout's hands, Berelan jumped on him and set his sword against the Drow's throat, "Surrender or die."
Unbeknownst to them, a pair of Avalonian Elite Rangers silently watched and waited from the nearby undergrowth. They recognised the bearded Mitgardian instantly. An ally- or a mortal foe?