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My first mission - to find Boba Fett - wasn't successful, but my second one, on Maridun, was. So, I was given another assigment and if I do it properly, I'll be promoted - in Alliance Intelligence. Me and three other soldiers are searching through the plans. There's a hidden base of Black Sun here, on Coruscant, and it's leadership has had some problems lately. We have to find the base and see what the leaders are planning ... Without figs: My second try with SNOT, maybe it's a bit to clean but a room of this size needs nothing more in my opinion. Hope you like my modest contribution. ---- Thank you for help, Beaver, but I'm not really sure what to do? I did same as always ...
If you can't beat them, join them! We've been doing some jobs for Black Sun lately and my latest job is to deliver some goods to the Hutts. We're searching for the Hutt's secret warehouse on Nar Eurbrikka, all we have to do is to drop the goods and go away. What an easy job! ------ I know, pictures couldn't be worse. I know they'll effect on overall scoring of this build, altought I hope I'll get more than 3. But I'm taking a trip this weekend and I was rather busy, so I had to take them this evening and I had to use my phone. Though I think the ship looks quite nice and I'm happy I managed to build it. Anyway, I hope you like it.