Hi all,
I would like to present my first and sole entry in this year's CCC contest.
Four Seasons is a small journey through a year, as seen by the village folks somewhere in medieval times. Spring welcomes the serfs as life blooms across the fields. It is time for some plowing, planting and taking care of the homestead.
Summer is the time for the crops and haymaking, which will create winter fodder for the animals.
As autumn approaches and the crops are taken from the fields, the grain is treshed with flails.
By the first snow, some of the animals are slaughtered, their meat conserved in salt or by means of smoke for the winter, their skin is cured for leather and bones sold to the craftsmen for toolmaking. Winter was always a constant struggle to stay warm and fed, which meant also the livestock.
I have decided to make the tree stnading in the middle of the MOC a sort of a hallmark of the changes in the seasons - blooming in spring, with ripe green leaves in summer, pale and brownish when autumn comes, and finally... well - no foliage at all :).
Some detailed views of the serf's activities.
Hope you like this little MOC.
Feel free to watch the complete album on Flickr.
The homestead will be used in the next edition of the Studogród, which will be built next summer in Polish LUGPol exhibition.