An old story once said, before the sands and dust took over the Kaliphlin lands, there were magnificent lakes that dotted the landscape. The largest one, Hoshi No Mizuumi, was home to a highly intelligent race of people who made their homes within the rocky islands that crisscrossed the lake. As their population grew, they built sturdy walkways over the lake to help carry their citizens from one island to the next.
The people of Hoshi No Mizuumi worshiped the stars and planets and devoted their lives to learning everything they could about them. They knew their home held great power, so philosophers, magicians, astrologers, and alchemists flocked to the area and filled the city with large libraries of information.
For reasons unknown to us and lost in time, their city was suddenly abandoned. Was it the creeping sands of the badlands, dwindling resources or something more sinister that drove them to disappear from their home they worked so hard to build?
The years have passed; the lakes have evaporated and turned to sand, and the mighty walkways of the ancient city has crumbled and decayed under the elements. Only a small portion of Hoshi No Mizuumi remains and this is one of the locations that the brave citizens of Kaliphlin have made their temporary home.
The city has long been looted and taken of its valuable treasures and gold, but the real wealth is still contained within the many scrolls and books left behind by its ancient citizens. With the help of Professor Tobias Felix Montiger III and the Monks of Gorou, the People of Kaliphlin hope the scrolls and writings will uncover the secrets of destroying Victor Revolword before it is too late.
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