After building the 9398 4x4 Crawler I have been wondering about the difference in behavior between the Power Functions XL-Motor and the older Power Functions L-Motor.
My concern is about Motor Coasting. Coasting is defined as "Performing a natural deceleration of a motor when the power is removed". In layman's terms; the vehicle continues rolling a bit, until completely stopped, so no abrupt stop.
When the power on the XL-motor is removed, the motor coasts gently to a halt. However, when the power from the L-motor is removed, it abrubtly halts without coasting. This results in very shocky behavior, which I think can be done without.
Any idea why the two motors behave differently? And more importantly; is there a way to use the new L-motor with coasting behavior? Possibly with a 24T Clutch Gear or other mechanism/technique.