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Hey Guy, this is my third entry for the CCCXI. It is based on the Sängerkrieg (minstrel contest). Short summary: On the Wartburg a contest between six minstrels took place in the early 13th century. This contest then lead to the "Rätselspiel" (mystery game), in wich the sorceror Klingsor(really his name) summoned a demon, which was bannished by Wolfram von Eschenbach's songs. I used the SÄngersaal (Hall of Minstrels) as a source, but decided take a bit of an artistic freedom, because a faithful adaption might have looked a bit toooo colorful. now to the pictures: bards1 von tobiasgeserick auf Flickr bards3 von tobiasgeserick auf Flickr bards2 von tobiasgeserick auf Flickr
Hello All, Here is my entry into the CCCXI, Court Entertainment. I had tons of fun building this scene, experimenting with different techniques. This creation was inspired by a story/virtue from a book we have, of a sad prince who could never smile, and was always sad. The king wanted his son to be happy and smile, so he issued a proclamation throughout the kingdom. Anyone who could make the prince smile/laugh/be happy would get a small chest of gold. People all over the kingdom came over to try out their luck. Time and time again they tried, but to no avail. The prince would not smile. In desperation, the king sent messengers to the farthest reaches of the kingdom, to try and find anyone. One messenger came to a small peaceful farm, where a little happy girl lived. When she heard the proclamation, she knew what the prince needed. When she arrived at the palace, she simply said, "God loves you." Hearing this, the prince gladdened, and smiled, then laughed! Rejoicing, the king gave a feast, and gave the little girl the chest of gold. She used it to help the poor people throughout the kingdom, and those who needed it. I don't remember the full story (I can't find the book), so this story is from what I remember, it is the general idea of what happened, the story is much more detailed. If I ever find that story again, I will make sure to edit it here (I am 100% sure I made mistakes, maybe even some parts are changed). Also, here are some fig combos I made for the CCCXI: Enjoy! Soli Deo Gloria! ~Matthew~
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