Octan Travel Agent/Cupcake Shop
My economically depressed Lego city is continuing its long walk into dereliction and abandonment. But there are the occasional signs of life! In one corner of the city some fool one has decided to use the old Octan Travel Agency and turn the ground floor into a Cupcake shop.
The facade has the real feel of an aircraft's fuselage and comes complete with two fluffy white clouds*. The Travel Agency hasn't been in use since the 1990s and you may notice the entrance door high up on the second floor.
But the previous owners did leave the Airport Stairs behind. Again, though this is dilapidated and neglected.
Here's the interior of the Cupcake shop. (Mostly liberated from a Friends Cafe set)
One final shot of the Airport Stairs.
Oh, and I posted an early version of the Travel Agents on my LUGS Facebook page to get suggestions and feedback. I received ideas ranging from adding a short stubby wing and adding a sun. But my favorite comment was from one member suggested that I create a sticker with "Every Wing is Awesome". Now that's the perfect slogan for Octan Travel!
Comments, criticism, ridicule most welcome!
*I was going to embed The Orb's "Fluffy White Cloud". I might still do.