Remember a while back, be it on deviantArt(can I say that site name?) or here, that I posed up a picture of a black, muscled HF-build torso, and promised a figure would be completed around it?
The muscled black HF torso, that looked similar to this?
Well wait no more, it's finally here!
The one, the only...
Dark Matter!?
That's right. Evidently he has returned, Upgraded to a new body(and in a sense, a new mind), and ready to lead his forces against the Factory once more.
By the way, his upgrade has increased his height exponentially.
He now stands at about 2 standard-size Heroes tall. 'Shine' and my panda-like Hero demonstrate here.
He's got quite an arsenal, with his shoulder-mounted plasma-bolt cannon, the thrusters in his boots, and his bloodied-up broadsword(not shown), along with his loyal army of Villains.
Among these villains is the Red Fist, who you will be seeing more of.. shortly.
Comments and criticism are greatly welcomed.
More to come soon!