Here's my last minute entry to the dark times prologue challenge. The house is not so good, because I ran out of time, and it kept collapsing (which I suppose is what's supposed to happen...)
Grand Lords De Gothia and Simon,
I have urgent news regarding the drow in Avalonia. Raids in my lands of Ferinwald and other surrounding provinces have been increasing. Their tactic has been to tunnel under villages and houses, and then cave the tunnel in so the houses collapse. Once collapsed, drow come pouring out like ants. My people are in constant fear of an attack, and there is much unrest, and even talk of taking matters into their own hands. I have doubled the patrol of my lands, but the drow strike too quickly and to often for me to stop them all. Based on information my scouts and contacts have brought to light, It is my belief that they are planning to open up a full out war soon. I strongly urge a purging of the drow from our lands, before they grow too strong.
Your loyal servant,
Sir Brychan Cedry