I've been trying to bring some sense of order and control to my daughter's Friends layout as it is slowly taking over the dining room table, leaving me with little space for my own buildings. So, I've started "modularising" the sets into buildings to allow the layout to expand upwards instead of outwards.
The latest is "Emma's place" which houses three sets featuring Emma - the beauty parlour, fashion design studio and karate class. This one was a collaborative effort with my daughter. Hence the random yellow tiles to finish off the first floor and total lack of floor tiles!
(MOD/MOC) Emma's Place
(MOD/MOC) Emma's Place - Beauty Parlour
(MOD/MOC) Emma's Place - Design Studio
(MOD/MOC) Emma's Place - Karate Class
There are a few more angles on flickr.
Next up is Andrea's place, which will be finished once as I get my hands on the new bedroom set.