Manmade Evil
Over the last three years or so, I've been working on-and-off on a little film series of my own. When writing the script for an upcoming sequel, I discovered that some vital plot points were yet to be explored in any episode. Naturally, I didn't feel like incorporating them into the script as that would make it unwieldy, so the obvious solution was to make an entirely new prequel episode.
The function of "Manmade Evil" is basically to provide a basis for some of the story aspects discussed in existing episodes of my series. It's a prequel that fits directly before my opening episode, "Random Lego Violence", and as such can - and should - be watched first of all. Please note, though, that if you decide to try out the rest of the episodes, bear in mind that they are of inferior quality as they are older.
Myself as Donny and Rothwell
Ross Arrowsmith as Sinton
Tom Pullin as Spitzer