On Farmolis's Famous Octan Olympic Arena, where all the best and brightest athletes have come to train! Including none other than Dr. Danielle Long, who was surprised to wake up to a holo-mail from CEO Pombe, requesting her presence at the games... on penalty of forfeiture of shares...
Octan Olympics! by Danny-Longlegs, on Flickr
"This is Dr. Danielle Long, reminding all participants in the First Andromeda Olympic games to please Drive Safely. These games are just that--Games. Please, do not engage in fowl play, or cut corners. And always, follow the rules. The rules exist for your safety and to ensure a fair contest."
Octan Olympics! by Danny-Longlegs, on Flickr
Octan Olympics! by Danny-Longlegs, on Flickr
Octan Olympics! by Danny-Longlegs, on Flickr
It's a tablescrap, but I figured I might as well whip this together while cleaning off my table.
~Insectoid Aristocrat