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The forests of Avalonia have thrived for centuries, and have always been inhabited by druids. Legends say that the druids of old wielded great power and had expansive knowledge of natural and mystic lore. Most people doubt that any of the modern day druids have the blood of the ancient druids in their veins, but they do possess a wealth of lore about the Avalonian woods. The Sisters of Spring are an order of druids that tend to the cycle of life that is forever flowing through the forests. This order is non-militant, and lives in harmony with nature, culling the week and promoting growth and renewal. The Sisters live in camps throughout Avalonia, and prefer to avoid permanent dwellings such as houses. This particular camp has established at the entrance to a series of caves beside a small waterfall. While this camp is composed solely of Elves, druids of other races are not unheard of. The Sisters keep bees for honey, and can also glean information from them about the growth of the forest's flowers and buds, as well as the impending weather. They also harvest wild grapes to produce a potent wine that is popular with Avalonians. The Sisters trade with townsfolk for bottles their wine. They gather herbs and roots from the surrounding woodlands for food and medicinal purposes. They have also been known to bring down fowl for their dinner tables. The Sisters also trade for bread and cheese to supplement their diet of fruits, vegetables, nuts, honey and cider. Fish from the stream are cooked and dried for the winter ahead. The stream also provides water for cooking and bathing, and the Sisters fill cisterns in the caves below. The Sisters live in harmony with the woods, as they have for centuries. As custodians of the forest, they will care for the plants and animals and ensure that they continue to flourish. Flickr Gallery:
Hey Inspirational of Asterix and Obelix i build a Druidmeeting. More pictures on MOCpages. I hope you enjoy this building. Feel free to comment. Jonas