I'm getting to a point where I'm starting to feel it'd be really nice to have some people in real life to get inspiration from and bounce ideas off of. Sure there's you guys (who have been *really* helpful on my most recent build), Google image search and Flicker, but it's not the same as going somewhere, seeing real people, showing your stuff off, letting them show their stuff off to you and just socialising in real time.
So are there others from the County Durham area who are already in a group or interested in getting together to form an informal group? Also, are there any members of the Yorkshire based group here who could tell me about their group (it's not ideal, but bits of Yorkshire aren't too far away from me?
Finally are there any other Lego events other than the Great Western Lego Show (which looks awesome and all, but is far too far away and far too Great Western for my tastes! :P )?