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Found 8 results

  1. "Alright, you see, fellow Eslandolans, we have spied on the condition of our men taken prisoner by L'Olious' henchmen. They are currently being held in a cell off the coast, and if the court goes badly, we may have to take drastic measures..." A couple of punks watching the shores: An overly courageous Eslandolan Knight being executed: A couple of Eslandolan soldiers and the Ship captain being held: Figless: And the inside of the cell: Alright! My Eslandola Vs. Mardier Court Case build is finally up! This is my last build before i take a long break from LEGOs, of which more will be posted in the Eslandola page.
  2. Windar's family owned a large manor on the shore of Nova Terelli. The sound of waves crashing up against rocky cliffs was calming to Windar Baerbald. Only, today, stress was filling his mind. He'd joined the East Trade Wind Company a week ago, and was required to own a ship to send cargo. He knew a sea captain from several deep connections, and he asked the man to come up to his manor to discuss business. "Alright, why am i here, Windar?" Captain Elliot asked. "I've called you here to discuss purchasing one of your ships." Windar replied. "I have a whole fleet. What class are you looking for?" Windar looked down at one of his maps. "A class one ship. To get a start to my trading." he replied. "I can lend one to you for free, but if it get's destroyed, or if you lose it then you'll have to pay. And what about the crew?" Elliot said. "I've recruited an amount of men for my crew. And i already have a chosen first mate." Windar said. "Good. I'll have you sign this contract, and then i'll have my men move it to your docks." and they shook hands. Windar's wife leaned over to him to whisper something in his ear. "Where did you get a crew?" Jasmine asked. "A bunch of students my father taught volunteered. They're good, strong men." Windar whispered back. Meanwhile, in Windar's storage room, first mate Turner Brown and Harvich the bodyguard conversate in secret, and trade a letter. What could it be? Extra pictures: OoC: Alright! This is my first build for BoBS. I hoped you liked it. And yes, i agree that the floor is simple, and needs tiles. Next time i bricklink or stop by a LEGO store, i'm going to stock up on some tiles. CoC welcome!
  3. On his trip to the capitol to see if his cousin Renaldo Cuervo had truely returned, his crew decided to hunker down on a small island as a small tropical storm loomed on the horizon, which they knew they would not be able to outrun. The sun was high when they arrived but would very shortly be covered in heavy dark clouds. IMG_20160215_202238609 by Jesse Mauney, on Flickr -Jim Cuervo "go ahead men and gather any supplies you can find, water, fruit you know the drill make it quick who knows whats lurking in the jungle stay in pairs, one head up as lookout, one to gather, be back at camp by sunset" -Will Pepper "No need to lecture us boss we got it covered, we will be in and out of here before you know it" IMG_20160215_202132639 by Jesse Mauey, on Flickr Little did they know they were being watched as soon as they set foot on the island, the natives had rarely seen foreginers and always decided to lay in the shadows unless a sense of danger was present in which they would not hesitate in retaltion towards any new arrivals. OOC. final shot is just a over view of the MOC IMG_20160215_202104276 by Jesse Mauey, on Flickr
  4. The food shortage on Bardo have left the town storage empty. While waiting for shipping bright minds within the WGO had the idea of renting out small spaces to individuals, allowing them to travel to other places in these hard times. Having the opportunity of leaving their belongings behind also gave them a reason to return, when the crisis passes. For a small fee, that in turn gives the town means to import food until their own production is up and running. Marcel Penidãs, a robust man well into his thirties, had worked at docks his whole life. He was to be in charge of handling the daily business. With direct access to the sea and a crane, his workload was less than before and the was pay a little bit better. His first customer was a young man that were going to seek his fortune as a sailor after being dismissed at the textile factory, due to an accident that had ruined his depth perception. To reassure people that their goods was safe, the city watch had dispatched a cannon and assigned guards to watch the entrance day and night. Comments: This build draws heavy inspiration from 6244 Armada Sentry, but I hope I have made enough changes so that is not a problem. The two openings towards the back of the roof is intended for a future city wall extension, and the reason it is offset of the baseplate is that I intend to raise the main level of the city using a 2 cm plate of wood (2 brick height). I took this pictures at the same time as my first free build and the challenge entries, and am aware of the hard shadows. I got some good advice from Dr_Spock (here, and Gideon was kind enough to share his photo setup-up (here, that I will try to replicate as best I can for my next builds (without the tripod unfortunately).
  5. Colonel Oystridge sat in his office in the Officer Quarter on Weelond. He had just finished a map of the island where he found Orbinson and Mercredi, drawn by a local cartographer for his coloring book. "Hmm, I wonder where I put my cigars... Did I bring them from the ship? Let's see, last I had them..." He had not completed his line of though before he heard a familiar knock. The knock of the order. "Come in!" It was Gilroy O’Dougahallahan, the keeper of the books. "Greetings, Colonel. I come with news from the order. Bardo is suffering from food shortage and bad morale. Your countenance are needed there." "Thats a shame. I have begun to like it here in Weelond. But I can't dismiss The Orders orders. Bad morale you say? Bad morale is bad for your health. They couldn't have just sent a letter?". "Sir, with all due respect, everyone knows that no one just writes the Colonel. You have a great deal of respect in the colonies, you know". "Well, I suppose. It would have been nice to get a letter once in a while though. I am going to forget how to read", he laughed merrily. "Not to worry, I am quite sure the people of Bardo won't notice." "That bad, is it? We will have to something about that. Well then, what are we waiting for? Would you mind taking my belongings to the docks and telling my ship not to unload the spices. I have a couple of friends I have to visit before we go", The Colonel asked. "Actually, there is a small house I wanted to do some research...". (Small house in Weelond) Well aware of which house Gilroy was referring to he replied: "That's an order. If you don't mind. We won't set sail until tomorrow morning". The Colonel had a knack for getting his way without making people feel repressed, and still carry his authority well. Often this involved just listening, not stressing and leaving some open time in his plans for people to do their thing. "Oh, well then, Certainly, sir, I'll see to it". Ooc: This build will not be licenced for quite a while, so the Majors bonus is still available. It is actually available if the MCTC or the settlement of Weelond wants to licence it. And there is a job opening for a new officer and gentleman Kai, I hope you don't me referring to your small house.
  6. After an exiting trip, captain Saxenhauser and his The Bright Owl finally reached port. They would have fallen prey to Garvias warship The Fallen Angel, if they didn't have Eslandolas Trovâo as escort. Here we see her docked before the sails are taken down. The crew unloads. While Saxenhauser shakes hands after a deal well struck. 60DB that will be spent wisely. In my ship FB I got some feedback that wanted an overview picture, and I also wanted to show that she is not parallel, as well as some of the aft deck (although black is a difficult shade to photograph). The second crew member had a crate in his hands before I took the pictures. I hope he didn't decide to earn a little extra for himself...
  7. Read part 1 first here: Into The Wild The men were exhausted, and lost their keen sense, when we reached a clearing in the jungle. What was this? An old man and a half-man, half-serpent being standing before us. "Please, you mustn't shoot. We want you no harm.Mercredi, calme-toi!", the old man, in great distress, repeated, switching his gaze between us and the half-serpent. My men were jumpy, and I felt quite uneasy myself at the sight of this strange creature, but something was wrong here. The old man knew our language, and his complexion was to pale to be native. "Easy now, boys.", I tried to calm my men before addressing the old man: "Who are you? And what business have you on Eslandolan soil?" Sensing the tension sink, I ordered Enrique and Ricardo to stand down, and this apparently calmed the half-serpent enough to lower his knife. "We are castaways, we have no weapons, we were just preparing some food to offer you. We saw you arrive at the beach, and hoped you may have the mercy to take us aboard. Please, don't be alarmed". These men were no threat to us, so I accepted their offer, and in return offered one of my cigars. We sat down and dined together as they shared their story. "My name is Orbinson Crux, my friend here is Mercredi. I was the lookout onboard the Oleon vessel Ladybird on an exploration mission many years ago. Unfortunately we hit a,”. He paused long, “Hit a streak of bad luck, and I was the only one that saw it coming. Mercredi was just a boy then, the chefs apprentice. We encountered natives on the island we landed on, and they greeted us friendly at first. But they fooled us. We were led into an ambush and they assaulted us. Mercredis head was cracked by their primitive weapons, but I scared them of when I fired my pistol. I managed to save Mercredi by placing a huge snake skull the islanders dropped around his broken skull. The natives kept away long enough for me to build a crude raft and escape and drifted until we stranded on this island. Mercredis skull healed up, but grew stuck to the snake skull, and the poor boy lost his speech. But his talent for making food is intact. The herbs and spices here makes him able to make just about anything taste delicious. So, here we are, the only survivors of our expedition. "How does the food taste?" Their food was absolutely delicious, albeit spicy. Enrique seemed to find it a little to hot, but Orbinson offered some sugar strands that helped after a while. We took them aboard along with some of the local greens of Mercredis choosing.
  8. Main Character: Victor Servadac of the White Glove Order. Victor was a young and promising architect who lost his legs in an accident where one of his buildings collapsed. Defect Building by Stig Ove Bjørnstad, on Flickr It was said that he must have swapped some of the materials with a cheaper quality than what was ordered by the customer. Rubble by Stig Ove Bjørnstad, on Flickr Victor took the fall hard. He had brought shame upon his family name and left the country for many decades. He traveled throughout the continent collecting inspiration and getting to know people. From the Madrice Peninsula through Corrington, to Olean and even further, but everywhere he went the rumors eventually followed. Although his reputation suffered, he still managed to get the odd job from people that had a different view on using cheaper materials. He fancied a glass every know and then at the local taverns, and discovered people confided to him without him saying much. This was noted by certain individuals and because of this he got aquainted and inducted into an old fellowship, known as the White Glove Order. After many years, he has gained enough trust within the Order to lead their initiative in New Terra. Victor see the discovery of new lands across the sea of storms as a possibility to gain a fresh start, and his friends in the WGO see it as a way to gather new influences. Portrett Servadac og co by Stig Ove Bjørnstad, on Flickr Character: Gilroy O’Dougahallahan of the White Glove Order. Gilroy is making sure the books are ajour, so the money comes as it should. And goes where it should. He always carries a case with dueling pistols, but being a renowned pugilist, he does not shy away from fisticuffs if it comes down to it. Character: Alfonso Stabboni of the White Glove Order Stabboni, a man of few words, but when he speaks he does it with his whole face and body. His sceptisism does not earn him many friends, but he reckons he has the friends he needs. Alfonsos main duty is to ensure that the contracts that Servadac make on behalf of the WGO are fulfilled, whatever way he see fit.
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