~ MEC Category B: Fimbrethil's Return ~
"When Winter comes, and singing ends; when darkness falls at last;
When broken is the barren bough, and light and labour past;
I'll look for thee, and wait for thee, until we meet again:
Together we will take the road beneath the bitter rain!
Together we will take the road that leads into the West,
And far away will find a land where both our hearts may rest."
~ J.R.R. Tolkien, The Two Towers
I've always thought that the story of the lost Entwives was a sad tale...
... and I'd like to think that at some point Treebeard and Fimbrethil find each other and live happily ever after.
Here's the whole build:
Thanks for looking! C&C always appreciated. And there's a few more pictures over on flickr,