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After discovering the presence of a hidden Rebel base in Sector 217, Major Plumhol is sent a small Element of battle hardened storm troopers to locate the rebel base and eradicate them. Rebel: Base, this is Delta 7. I am inbound to your position now. Commander Adleni: Delta 7, this is Base. We have you on approach. You're clear for entry. The rebel enters the base and checks in with the commander. Rhodian Rebel: How'd it go? Rebel: I saw nothing. Again. This is my 2nd two day over watch this week. Whoever their informant was, they gave us bad information. Rebel: Is that why we're on stand down? Rebel: Yes. I reported in to Commander Adleni and he agreed that we probably received bad information. They would have come for us by now. I'm gonna get some shut eye, I'm wiped. Just as things began to quiet down in the night..... Storm Trooper: Major! I snapped this holo image about an hour ago. Major Plumho: Good Work Trooper! Sergeant Reik! Sergeant Reik: Sir! Major Plumho: Assemble everyone up, lets get ready to move. Sergeant Reik: Major, this is First Sergeant Alarkis from the 403rd Shock Trooper Division. First Sergeant Alarkis: Major, it is my pleasure. *They Salute* Major Plumho: Sergeant, the pleasure is mine. What have we stumbled upon here that command has deemed worthy of sending you to take over? First Sergeant Alarkis: Major I am here simply as a tactical advisor. You are the commanding officer. Command has grown tired of this desert wasteland and want these rebels wiped off the rock. Lord Vader personally authorized your request for overflight scans of the sector. Major Plumho: I am glad we have the full support of the Empire. Our scans indicate the rebels have been probing the outskirts of their territory hoping to uncover us after discovering their comm relay station several days ago. Aside from that, things seem fairly relaxed here. They don't appear to be on alert. Intel believes this outpost to be nothing more than spy ring. We will take them under cover of dark. First Sergeant Alarkis: I am at your service Major. Major Plumho: TheBeeze, get on point. You're taking us in. TheBeeze: Roger that Sir. The storm troopers go silent and proceed to move into the Hill Pass Ravine using hand signals. One by one they bound passed one another covering an extended amount of ground. Inside the main complex Commander Adleni: Captain, my men have charged the speeder for you. The space port is not far. At this time of night, you should not run into any Tusken Raiders or Imperials if you stick to that route. I'm sure you can find a pilot willing to get you off this planet. That intel you recovered may prove crucial down the road to us. I have a bad feeling that we are not going to be here much longer. Captain Plakarse: Thank you Commander. I will inform the General of your conditions here and see if there is anything we can do to help you and your men. OUTSIDE First Sergeant Alarkis sees the ambient glow of a night light in a cut out of the rock face above. After looking at his map scan he believes there to be several rebels positioned above them. He signals the Major that he is going to toss a thermal detonator. Rolling across the ground the rebels awaken... Rhodian Rebel: BOMB! GET OUT! The explosion rips the ravine sending a deafening roar of fire, rock, and smoke through the base. TheBeeze: Here they come! The remaining rebels in the main base leap to life scrambling to return fire on the storm troopers who are slowly encircling them. Captain Plakarse makes a mad dash to the speeder bike while taking down a storm trooper. The Captain manages to escape while the Imperials breach the base. The Beeze manages to get behind the rebel commander and knock him down with his rifle. First Sergeant Alarkis: Take him outside, the sun is coming up. Commander Adleni: You have failed imperial. You are too late. First Sergeant Alarkis: Your base is destroyed and your men have burned, I'd say we've succeeded. Commander Adleni: You will learn in time of your failure. TheBeeze: MEDIC! The major has been hit. Hang on Major, we'll get you out of here. As the medics Come to retrieve the Major, TheBeeze marches straight up to the Duros Commander and punches him square in the jaw. First Sergeant Alarkis pulls him back as the storm troopers start to pick up the rebel. First Sergeant Alarkis: I hear this is two in a row for you? TheBeeze: We let the pilot get away. First Sergeant Alarkis: Excuse me trooper? TheBeeze: The pilot who got away in the junk town just got away in the fire fight. He has to be the key to this. Sergeant Reik is dead, and the Major is now out of action. I am not done here. First Sergeant Alarkis: Things happen in combat out of your control. You need to learn that. You did well today. You may have a future with us yet. I will keep an eye on you trooper. We are going to work on getting you a new assignment and hopefully off of this rock. Hang tough. The Storm Troopers depart with their prisoner and board a shuttle to head back to their Star Destroyer with TheBeeze coming along for reassignment. Major Plumho will live on to fight another day. Just outside the Mos Eisley Spaceport... Captain Plakarse: That was a close call. I need to get out of here and get this into the right hands.
Tatooine Discovery- A desolate village on Tatooine which is engulfed in junk dealers and moisture farmers draws the suspicious and watchful eye of the Empire due to a new Storm Trooper looking to make a difference in the galaxy...... Sergeant Reik: Where the hell is this kid? Major Plumho: Relax Sergeant, this is his first assignment. Do you remember your first assignment? Out there feeling like you alone would crush the rebellion? Sergeant Reik: Yes Major, but I never WENT ALONE! This kid has a real pair on him. Major Plumho: Well, lets just hope he's not wasting our time out here with the radio call. An Hour Earlier TheBeeze: I'm out in this town... Day 1 on the job... And I'm already seeing things I don't like. I'm in the middle of a Junk Dealer Alley and I see this building. More Sophisticated than all the others. Reinforced Door. Long Range Comms Gear Mounted on the Roof. I'm gonna call this in for backup and poke around a little more on my own. Random Pilot: Hey Trooper! Come over here. Random Pilot: What brings you to these parts? Quiet little remote town like this never sees any Imperials. TheBeeze: How about I ask the questions here... What brings a pilot like yourself to a remote junk dealing town in the middle of nowhere, miles from any spaceport? Random Pilot: Ahhh very perceptive. Well my ship broke down on a run about 3 miles north of here. I'm trying to scrounge a compressor to get it going. TheBeeze: Why didn't you report the damaged aircraft? I have not been notified of any damaged aircraft in my sector. Random Pilot: My comms are not working either (Looking passed the Storm Trooper to see Two Mounted Storm Troopers arriving) Sergeant Reik: Storm Trooper, Report! Random Pilot: Looks like you better get moving. *Chuckling* TheBeeze: You Wait Right Here, I'm not done with you. (As he turns and walks away) Major Plumho: Trooper is this the building you reported? TheBeeze: Yes Major I think it ha.. Major Plumho: Sergeant Reik Escort the rookie inside this structure and check it out! I'll pull security. Sergeant Reik: Roger! Sergeant Reik: Major, we've got something here! Major Plumho: What is it Sergeant? Sergeant Reik: It looks like this is a Rebel Weapons Cache and Intel Relay Station. They've been spying on our Sector! Major Plumho: Sergeant! Get out here! Gamorrean: It is not safe for you here. Sergeant Reik: Creature! Be careful what you say or we'll make the world less safe for you. Gamorrean: Rebels come and go from this building quite frequently. They maintain a small base a short distance from here in hill pass. They are probably watching you right now. TheBeeze: The Pilot! I knew something was wrong with him. Major, I was interrogating a pilot just before you arrived. His story did not check out. Major Plumho: Lets move away from here and call this in. Before Dark Sets in. Major Plumho: Good Job kid. Command is going to detach an element and we're going to hit that Pass to clear it out. Sergeant Reik: You better be ready for this. TheBeeze: Thank you Major. Sergeant, I will be ready. Major Plumho: I see you picked up one of those E11s Rifles from the rebels, you're going to need it. And do us a favor, clean your uniform. Dark Sets In as the Dewbacks Depart TheBeeze: Well Day 1 and I uncovered a rebel plot and picked up a new accurate blaster. I think our scouts carry these. Maybe some day.... Well, better head back and get ready for this battle. Back in Town a Faint, almost incoherent voice whispers into a Commlink Jawa: They are sending a detachment your way. Can a Mod please change the name of the topic to- [soNE Freebuild]- A Tatooine Discovery. Thank you.
Whipping winds swept across the rocky outcropping deep in the Tatooine desert. At a casual glance, you wouldn't notice it amongst the myriad ridges and canyons that riddled the desert, but on closer inspection you might see the camoflauge netting strung from the top of the rocks, or the intermittent movement of sentries patrolling the ridge. This small depression was currently being utilized as an outpost by the forces of the Rebellion. It provided a stop over point on the trip between Mos Eisley and Mos Espa off the main travelled routes. It was remote enought that the inhabitants did not need to worry about chance Imperial patrols, but they were cautious nonetheless. Inside the outpost, the Rebels were discussing there next move concerning the visitors that had just arrived. (See prologue -still coming) Commander Eyno: "So if your credentials had passed, and the Imps had just provided your hyperspace vector, what went wrong?" Pilot: "It was a total fluke, it never should have happened, but one of the Eyeballs - looked to be fresh out of the Academy from the way that thing was rolling - overshot a turn, and was correcting his flight path, which took him right past my ship. No one EVER gets close enough for visuals in the MidRim planets, there was barely any traffic there, so there should have been no reason.." The pilot shook his head in frustration. "...but I suppose the orange sticks out like a Ronto in a herd of Nerfs, and ever since Yavin, everyone assumes an orange flightsuit means Rebel... which this time it did. I had a spare flightsuit for landside, but it's a little tight in some places, and I didn't even think twice." Commander Enyo: "And I suppose you were lucky to get out of their alive after that?" Pilot: "I had practically matched my vector at that point. The Academy kid got a lucky shot as I was jumping and nicked my starboard engine. I reverted just after I jumped out of the system and changed course for Tatooine. I thought the hit was minor, but after looking at how much damage that engine took, I guess I was lucky I didn't end up floating in deep space forever." Commander Enyo: "Well, we need to get your passenger to Mos Eisley so we can get her back in route to her destination. RogueAng, take the bike and head in to town. Talk to Rackiss and see how he wants this done. RogueAng: "Yes sir. I'll pick up some more fuel cells for the speeder while I'm in town." Commander Enyo" Right. We'll see you tomorrow." Commander Enyo: "Miss... Corinth, was it? We'll wait for Rackiss to send someone out to pick you up. We could send you in now, but there's no use putting a new face in Eisley any longer than we need to. All we need is one low life to take interest in you and it would make your life a lot more difficult. You don't want to spend anytime then you need to in that Den of Scum." Corinth: "Thank you very much sir. I appreciate everything you're doing for me." Commander Enyo: "The truth is I hate to waste the time and beingpower. Every trip back to Mos Eisley risks someone getting caught by the Imps, but you seem to be pretty important to someone in the Rebel Command, so we want to get you back on your way as soon as possible." Yelva: "Rogueang! Pick me up some Corellian Whiskey too!" Yelva turned back to face the Commander "You've got a way with words and with the ladies there Enyo, don't you." "Corinth, don't worry about it, we'd be going out on a limb for you even if you were a lowly Dug speeder salesbeing. The Commander just likes to drone on about risks and time wasting any chance he gets." Commander Enyo: "That's enough Yelva, weren't you going to take a look at that engine?" - A few hours pass- Rodian Rebel: "Ya goska dee tuzo! Beeda ni Dozno!!!! Rebel Trooper: "What are Imps doing out here?! Commander-" Commander Enyo: "I got it! Radna! Why didn't we pick these up hours ago? There's nothing out here but Tuskens and Jawas!" Radna: "I don't understand it sir! I'm still not picking up anything. No ships, no speeders, not even a walker!" Rodian Rebel: "Dee cozcoz Dewbak!" Commander Enyo cursed and started shouting commands. "Alright men, this is it! Yelva, try to get the girl out of here in your speeder. We'll cover for you as long as we can. Good luck and may the force be with you." The Rebels positioned themselves for battle as the Imperials approached. As the Imperials approached it became obvious that while they had better position, the Imperial forces far outnumbered them. The second sun was just setting as the Imperials engaged. Commander Enyo: "It's been an honor having you under my command! Let's hold them off for as long as we can to give Yelva a head start!" The fight was short and vicious, but the outcome was inevitable. It was only a matter of time before the Imperials swarmed into the outpost. It was a dark day for the Rebellion on Tatooine. To be continued in Chapter 2