Hi everyone. Looking at all these amazing MOCs here at Eurobricks i decided to share my own. This is a collection of city MOCs that i designed over the past few years. All of these models are made in Lego Digital Designer, and are presented with pictures rendered using POV-Ray. I didn't make a lot of pictures as i'm sharing LDD files in which the models can be viewed entirely.
Most of the buildings have roofs built in separate sections that can be removed (using "connected selection" tool) to see the interiors. Also note that because of the high brick count, that some of this models have, slower computers might have problems with opening those files.
That's it for the introduction.. I hope to insipre people with my work just like i get inspired by others.
Train Station - Train Station.lxf
Fire Station - Fire Station.lxf
Restaurant - Restaurant.lxf
Cafe - Cafe.lxf
Fast Food Kiosk - Fast Food Kiosk.lxf
Ice Cream Kiosk - Ice Cream Kiosk.lxf
Gas Station - Gas Station.lxf
Bike Shop & Bank - Bike Shop and Bank.lxf