I'm looking for 2 particular MOC's, but haven't had any luck finding them;
- Both are collaborations of serveral builders with a cyberpunk/futuristic/dystopian city theme.
- Google isn't my friend anymore... I keep finding the 2013 Cyberapocalypse build or the 2011 Cybercity build, which aren't it.
The 1st one;
- Found it; A Bus Stop In Bucharest.
The 2nd one;
- Isn't so recent as the 1st one, more around 08/09-ish, maybe even older?
- Had a train/metro on the foreground with a road above it.
- Hoverboarders on the side of the road on some sort of track.
- Police vehicles + police figs occupying the road itself.
- An overpass/bridge + a gang of 'Akira' styled bikers riding underneath it.
- Had vehicles caught in a traffic jam.
- Was hosted on an own server, no Flickr/MOCpages.
- Was called 'City 17', 'Sector 7' or something similar to that.
- Found it; Zero Hour on Highway 44.
Please drop a comment if you happen to know what I'm talking about.
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