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After securing a foothold in the spice islands, the Desert King immediately began to live up to his end of the bargain, particularly the part about restoring peace and prosperity to the region. Priority one was reestablishing order on land and within the waters around the isles. Due to the ongoing conflict on the mainland, the Spice Islands were left isolated from any type of true assistance. The Ulandians had claimed the area as part of the Empire, but they were having a hard enough time right now holding on to the sub continent. Pirates and Slavers were free to roam the waters, raiding merchant vessels and towns for a wealth of material goods and free forced labor. The Desert King decided to fight fire with fire, as such he decreed that anyone caught in the act of raiding or pillaging for the purpose of supplying Historica's black markets were to have their assets seized, and become slaves themselves. Here we see a group of Gal-Turok's forces, carrying off a notorious group of slavers to the lava fields of Nocturnus, where they will spend the rest of their days toiling away in the hot, sulfuric flows of Nocturnus volcanoes, to supply an endless amount of raw metal to arm and equip the Goblin Empire.
The Spice Islands are jewels along the southern coasts of Kaphilin and are the gateway to The Great Southern Ocean. The islands vast supply of hardwoods, gems, exotic animals and plants, and of course spices, are wanted highly desired all over Historica. However, due to the political upheaval on the mainland, the islands have been more or less been isolated and left to their own devices. As a result, trade has decreased greatly, and the islands' economy is in ruin. Today, there is a chance to make a full recovery, as a Desert King official (Yes our Surveyor is back and has been promoted again), accompanied by two escorts, has paid a visit to the "Governor" of one of the islands, and has convinced him to declare independence, in exchange for a hefty amount of gold, and the promise that they will always have an abundance of trading partners and renewed prosperity.