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At a gold mine in Gorr, peril strikes! A lesser Guylinea dragon is attacking this gold mine. Luckily, another famous dragon-slayer is there to save the day. (Because the pictures with my sigifg in them turned out terrible ) Well... to sorta save the day. I tried to make this a (fairly) realistic gold mine. From the mine-shafts further up the mountain, workers shovel the loose rock and ore into this chute. It slides into a barrel waiting below. The barrel is on a swivel, and pours the mixture into the spring below. The fast-moving water washes away the dirt and rocks, but the gold stays in the streambed. Workers strain out the filtered gold using a greased sheepskin. Yay history! (Yeah, I could have posed the miner better, but this was basically a last-second addition when I couldn't find a gold pan ) This waterwheel powers a set of bellows in the base of the tower, making the forge hot enough to purify the gold. Finally, the gold is shipped out to the major cities of Kaliphlin. The cave, with a stream flowing out of it. My apologies for the lack of water pieces inside, as well as for the un-pressed-down gaps in the rocks. The landscaping. Why is there a random wall of bricks there? Oooohhh yeeahhh. , baby(If you know how to embed videos here, kindly enlighten me ) UoP Credits: +1 Tree technique +1 Studs up rocks and cliffs +1 Manufacturing +1 Flowing Water Thanks for viewing!