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Location: Quantus III Tags: Science, Octan, Civil // PERSONAL DIARY // Well, I think I managed to get back on Dr. Long's good side. I returned from Lesser Drigo to the Axle and was helping her on her research when we got an emergency call. Apparently a young maverick pilot by the name of Pete Mitchell had done a supply run onto Forring and was eating an Octan Corp Nutrition Bar which he accidentally dropped. He picked it back up and continued eating it without realizing all the bacteria and pathogens he was ingesting. Shortly after he returned to the ship he became very ill. He became weak, dizzy and very pale. His skin took on a weird color and he was breathing rapidly and shallow. In addition to the medical team Dr. Long wanted a scientist there to monitor the situation and see that if the most unfortunate were to happen to the poor pilot, that we might be able to gather knowledge from the incident. I rushed to Medical Containment and began my assessment. ED-208 appeared a few minutes later and told me that Dr. Long had sent him to "observe for any anomalies", but the weird part was that he brought twin plasma flamethrowers. I think something must be screwed up with his systems, as those won't help him observe at all! Given Pilot Mitchell's sickly color and profuse perspiration I didn't give him a very good chance at survival, he was definitely in the danger zone. It was an unknown plant species and given another recent incident, we weren't entirely sure what to expect. He was quite lucid though and aside from the anticipated anxiety was relatively level-headed. We tried some drugs to simply stabilize his breathing and heartbeat which helped him some with the symptoms. I extracted a few vials of blood for further research and then we put him on dialysis. Through pure chance I stumbled upon a solution. I accidentally exposed one of the vials to some UV light I had been using to help grow some flowers as a nice thank you to Dr. Long for being such a fantastic example to me. The UV light managed to kill off most of the bacteria and we surmised his immune system would likely be able to handle the rest. I returned to the containment lab where we used UV lights on Pilot Mitchell and placed him under observation. In a few hours he was much better and we kept him under observation for a further 48 hours. His normal skin tone returned and there were no symptoms that lingered. He couldn't identify the plant exactly, but we noted in the medical database and Explorer's Guide the usefulness of UV light treatment. I made an initial report to Dr. Long and she was glad I'd extracted the blood for study. She didn't ask but I volunteered that the pilot was going to make a full recovery which she acknowledged. I'm sure her main concern was for the safety of everyone on the ship. We are so lucky to have such a wonderful, smart, and dedicated head scientist. Extra Pics:
Spencer's Diary, Maian 21, 3815 There's no excitement to match the feeling of being among the first to set foot on a new planet. Hooray for pastures new! Although, around here the pastures seem pretty barren. Still, the orbital scans suggested that this should be a good region to prospect for Awesomnium - that's why I'm here with my trusty drilling rig, Edwina. Hmm, that rocky outcropping looks like a good place to start. Sure enough, a few minutes' drilling reveals an Awesomnium node! Time to try out the portable sample collector and ore analyzer the Octan tech guys fitted Edwina with, and find out what sort of a deposit we're looking at. Looks like I'll be pretty busy for the next few days...