This past year at the University, I ended up running across the Master and Commander series. After reading through them, it rekindled my love for the golden age of sail which in turn rekindled my desire to build a proper sailing ship out of Lego.
My overall goal is to create as realistic a brig as possible (although I might take some creative liberties if I really want to).
This is just my first draft of the project so some things are probably going to change before I am finished with her. Some bricks (lime green and orange) are simply place holders until I can get the right brick in the right color.
Please ignore the poor photography. I didn't want to spend a whole lot of time worrying about the lighting. It is a WIP, after all.
In case it's not clear, the quarterdeck only extends to the rearmost guns.
Although it does seem a little wide, it's proportions are fairly consistent with some brigs, mainly USS Niagara.
Here are the guns I plan on using. 18-pounder (left) and 12-pounder (right).
More pictures available here.
Could someone tell me or (better yet) show me a picture of how the bowsprit connects to the ship? Does it go through the deck like on a post ship or does it simply connect to the main deck?
Comments and criticism welcome.