Here is the Fourth Doctor's TARDIS interior. Complete with K-9 and a bag of Jelly Babies.
The design stayed fairly the same throughout the 70's and 80's, and only went through minor modifications until it was replaced in the TV Movie of 1996.
The mix of old and new grays is due to lack of parts in the same color, and sadly couldn't be avoided.
The console itself was fun to design, and went through several versions before I settled on this one.
The angled walls were also 'fun', but in a slightly different way. Still, the final look was worth the effort.
The walls are made with 1X4 arches and 2X2 Inverted disks. And they do in fact have a tendency to fall out as the space isn't that tight.
As always, more pictures can be found via the links to my photostream.
Fourth Doctor's TARDIS by SteampunkDoc, on Flickr
Fourth Doctor's TARDIS by SteampunkDoc, on Flickr
Fourth Doctor's TARDIS by SteampunkDoc, on Flickr
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