Read Part 1 HERE.
"As Lord Vladivus' memory slipped back to the time of his entry to Nocturnus, he began to speak aloud, although Corocus knew the story well, being part of it, he listened...
"My father was an ancient, nomadic Vampire, whom I have never met. When my mother fell pregnant with me, she feared for her life, but as the Lady of Avalonia, she was unable to simply desert her post. She carried me for nearly nine months, hiding her fears beneath a veneer of duty. However, her world was about to shatter.
When I was born, it was swiftly apparent that I was different- pale, white skin, and a lust for blood set me apart from other newborns. it was then that a sinister group made their play. A group of Avalonians sought to take my mothers ancestral lands, and hoped to do so by exposing my mother's so-called unholy union with my father. By capturing me, they hoped to lure my father back to rescue me.
They had not counted upon my mothers natural instincts, and her self- reliance, and she fled, pursued by Avalonian soldiers.
I remember little from this time, but my mother always talked to me when i was small, especially in the hard times crossing the Rakath Mountains. She told me how the arrows flew thickly, and the barking of dogs spurred her ever on.
My mother spoke of how there was always a particular Avalonian soldier directing the others towards her.
Eventually however, my mother escaped, losing her pursuers in the Kelra Labyrinth.
Next came the hardest journey, one which would eventually claim my mothers life; crossing the Rakath Mountains..."
Vladivus' voice trailed off, and his face hardened..."
Part 2 of my sig-figs backstory.
C+C welcome!