A mystical magician approaching the solitary spire he calls home, to study the stars, read his books, and do magic stuff!
Greatly inspired by the fabulous artworks of Péah. Normally I try build original completely compositions, but when I saw his work I just had to build it, it's so beautiful, and I'd love to build more of it!
This is my main exhibit for the upcoming Auckland Brick show this weekend and Brickcon-NZ the following weekend, been tinkering with it for several months now, it was worth doing well I think :) unfortunately some bricks cough*lugbulk*cough haven't yet arrived which I would have loved to use, but you can't have everything can you? was a very fun build with some cool techniques and (what I think) is an awesome colourscheme, the ground is flesh and those accents are light and warm yellowish orange, I think? I finally found a use for all that medium azure i accidentally bought last year! :D
Enjoy everyone!