It's been a while since I've posted here. I've recently re-discovered Lego Digital Designer and this is my new creation.
It is not build for turning it into a real working model, but more as a 3d digital design. I know the colors are not all represented in real life, but I went for looks rather than functionallity.
Two things I can't seem to pull off is a suitable brick (or combination of bricks) to make fenders. Same goes for the exhaust. I've used the standard exhaust bricks, but I want something flexible, like the tube curves and tube with nob #71076 and #71075. But I can't seem to find a brick that can connect two curves together. Only a lamp holder #4081. But that has a 1x1 plate attached. Does anyone have an idea how to connect two tube curves?
I've added the LXF if someone wants to take a closer look.
bike tri-engine.lxf