The North Gate of Sultan's Gate is the main trade route out down the escarpment and into the dusty orclands below. It sits on one of the major trade routes into the other 3 guilds, so naturally the Petraea General Trading Company maintains a strong interest in the area. Although Kaliphlin stretches for leagues to the North of here, many consider Sultan's Gate to be the Northern frontier of Kaliphlin civilization.
Here we see His Grace the Duke LeStrange returning with a camel train of absolutely-probably-not-Nocturnian-contraband, accompanied by Pharoah Amset-Ra. Kaliphlinologists might interpret this as an interesting sign of further rapprochement with the mountain mummies. He notes the brisk trade in cavalry grade livestock going the other way, and is satisfied to see that relations between the ladies of the town and the orc gentlemen populations remain as cordial as ever. Umbart's diner is doing a good trade, despite the troubles in Nocturnus. All is well.
Map courtesy of Master Cartographer NiceMarmot.
I wanted to try a few new things with this build. It is about colour blocks and shapes, rather than my usual start-with-the-ornamentation approach. I also wanted to bring a Spaghetti Western flavour into the guild, as it has been neglected so far despite the massive growth in suitable minifig parts from CMF and Lone Ranger since we started Historica. I couldn't resist adding a few decorative elements though. Credit to Cristoph for the inspiration behind the camel pannier. This build was for some reason uniquely difficult to photograph, this is the least worst of nearly 200 shots. For the record, this is in the larger build category (>33x33)