The Den Mother, is a guardian spirit. The first recorded encounter with this spirit was centuries ago, when a child went missing. The residents of the village, searched the wilderness for days, but didn't found the child. Befor they gave up the searching, one of the villagers saw a big black wolf with glowing red eyes. They thought, the beast took the child, they wanted revenge. The hunt begined, after a long pursuit, the beast returned to her den, the hunters went after her, but didin't found the wolf. Just the missing child.
This event not yet started the Cult of the Den Mother. But after a dozen, similar events, Den Mother shrines, across Noctornus were builded.
There is two common representation, of the spirit. One is a woman with res eyes, holding a child, the other is a black wolf, with the same red eye.
The representation of the following pictures are unique. The statue bears both aspects, from the women, and the wolf.
In this troubled times, many residents of Noctornus visits these shrines, Praying for protection.
Edit: Although, the shrines are open for everyone, for praying, for the recent events, the priestesses don't welcome any member from the Black Spire.