Soldiers need somewhere to live too, so a barracks complex has been started in Abigail Park, a reserve close to the centre of the settlement of Mooreton Bay. Constructed of rough convict hewn sandstone, similar to Fort Denison, canny observers will note firing slits in the ground floor of the utilitarian structure.
A while ago Major Dirk Allcock was able to arrange for a shipment of the New Pattern muskets that are starting to equip Corlander line regiments back in the old world. The detachment of the Light Company of the 47th Regiment of Foot that he commands will be armed with the new musket as a New World trial.
Here, they conduct a demonstration of the new musket. Some Royal Marines, including the newly promoted Captain Stewart , together with some visiting Naval Officers, have come to watch the demonstration, as the new pattern musket has yet to be approved for Marine or Naval use.
A quick build mainly to show off the Brick Arms muskets I was able to obtain at Canberra Brick Expo earlier in the month. I'll license the barracks as a residence.
Any resemblance in the uniforms on the targets to the uniforms to those of other nations is purely... well intentional... you've got to train how you expect to fight right?!? I'm sure someone will call me a warmonger in outrage but seriously, no malice intended to our bluecoat friends
Oh and the cannon design is from Captain Braunsfeld's Eslandolean 8th Army MOC.