Chu Nail Salon
I had been building a single level Oriental Restaurant and was close to finishing when Toorayay posted his Octopus Restaurant Mine wasn't to that high level so I quickly had to come up with an alternative. So, I made some minor changes to the facade, added an additional level, changed the SNOT Lettering, ditched the interior in its entirety and came up with... Chu Nails!
Here's details of the SNOT lettering. I wanted something that looked signage on a cheap hotel. There's a combination of right way up and upside down vertical and horizontal connections clipped onto the cattle grid background.
Details of the front entrance. I was looking for an abstract Nail display and one of the earlier iterations had nail brushes moving via technic gears and axles and although it functioned it looked too Heath Robinson to remain.
The interior. This shows the foot-bath, nail table, overhead lighting and a couple of mirrored tables (stolen from a Friends set)
And a view from the other angle showing the waiting room - complete with L shaped sectional sofa, fish tank and potted plant and restroom.
And a final shot of Chu Nail's during Chinese New Year
Thanks for reading.
Comments, criticism and ridicule most welcome!