The hunt for Elon Chorian
The prosperity of Ondylion and the glory of Elon Chorian did not go unnoticed in the more eastern parts of Historica. Dark forces were not very pleased with this rise of power. Something had to be done. When hearing the titles of Elon – Hersir and Master Architect of Varholl, Round one Defender, Siege Master, Trade/Economic, Royal Architect, Admiral of the Mitgardian Fleet, Head Priest and Bard of Mitgardia – the solution seemed easy: cutt off the head of the snake. In the shadows of the Rakath Mountains a death squad was unleased with only one objective...
While the friendly peasants of Ondylion were enjoying a nice summer day, they had no idea what danger was roaring through the lands.
Suddenly a squad of green orcs arrives, breaking the house and terrorising the peasants.
“lead us to Elon Chorian, or our big green friend will have your tasty husband for diner!'”
Unfortunantly for the death squad, Mitgardian intelligence we're already aware of the coming danger. Knights of Ondylion arrive in shiny armour. The death squad is scattered and order is restored.
Count Balthasar